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Selected Exhibition history:



March 2020

All Good Things

Manchester School of Art

The final exhibition of my arts degree course Interactive Arts as it came to a close after 27 years, featured work from alumni and current students and staff.

"Remnants of both time and space" a series of 80 hand made black and white slides using salvaged and found materials including space telescope transparencies and Lettraset.

May 2019

Fringe Arts Bath

I curated a group version of the 36 Exposures found photography exhibition for the arts festival in 2019.
Images here


April 2019, “Showcase”

The Whitworth, Manchester

I exhibited and sold photography at an exhibition in the gallery organised by the Friends of the Whitworth.


2018 and December 2019:

John Hansard Gallery, University of Southampton
Alien Landscapes" A work of hand made abstract 35mm slides
Group exhibition of artworks created with the astronomy transparencies originating at the Soton Astrodome,
Uni of Southampton.


December 2018-ongoing

Galleria Quattro, Manchester

A gallery and workshop space I have developed within a restaurant.
Exhibiting with other local artists in the opening exhibition and ongoing, managing a rotation of artists

as well as a monthly roster of artist led workshops..



October 2018
"Things" Bermondsey art space, London & Online

A collaborative project by Tamara Projects where artists were assigned a random object and tasked with writing a fictional backstory to

accompany an Ebay auction.


November-December 2018

King St Studios, Lancaster

Art 100, a group exhibition with an open theme


July 17th - 31st 2018

Plant, Noma Manchester

"36 Exposures"

An exhibition of my found photography work including old slide projectors and work I have made with some of the found and salvaged analogue photo materials.





May/June 2018

Bath Photography Festival

Fringe Arts Bath


The theme of the festival this year explores the real and unreal in photography,



May/June 2018

Fringe Arts Bath

Normal Papers is an exhibition that celebrates the little scraps of paper we write our notes and plans on, part of Fringe Arts Bath 2018,

-Normal Papers



May/June 2018

Fringe Arts Bath

A photographic exhibition exploring themes of doors, entrances, thresholds and such.



Date TBC 2018

Soton Astrodome, Southampton

"Alien Landscapes"

A photo project created with slides and salvaged film depicting abstract alien landscapes and views from imaginary planets exhibited at various points during the year in the Astronomy outreach department.





November/December 2016, US & global Twitter campaign “Out-of-home”

As part of Twitter’s end of year hashtag campaign I was approached by Catch&Release a Clio award winning ad agency to include a piece of graphic design work of mine to the campaign that is currently featured in a prominent subway station in Lower Manhattan.


February 2018

Landscape photography

Kro Bar Manchester
A selection of landscape photography as part of a group show in Kro Bar


June 2017

"You made it"

Manchester School of Art Degree Show



March/April 2017
"This Comment has been deleted"

Koffee Pot, Manchester

A solo month long exhibition of my text based screen print work



December 2016, Link Gallery, MMU “While We Were Away

Exhibition I curated for Erasmus students either returning to MMU from placement or visiting us from other countries, comprising 16 artists the exhibition features photographic work alongside textiles, collections and installation pieces inspired by the places we have all visited.


November 2016, People’s History Museum, Manchester

I contributed a piece of photographic work on the now demolished blue cranes at Salford Quays to Jane Brake’s exhibition “Promising Home” in the museum.



June/July 2016

“Art show soon”,

Victoria Station, Manchester
Group exhibition with my colleagues from the Whitworth Art Gallery, sponsored by by local design collective oh-ok-ltd,



2016, Free For Arts Festival, Manchester

I exhibited an interactive project “Artefakes”, created while on Erasmus and exhibited around Santa Cruz, Tenerife and Madrid, the work was individual pieces deposited around town for people to find and respond to through social media hashtags.



October & December 2015 “The Lost and Found Museum”,
Designed and curated an exhibition as my 2nd year studio project on the themes of loss and discovery including 30 local and international artists, the exhibition had a short run during the Free for Arts Festival fringe and then a 4 day run and the Wonder Inn in December.



July 2015, “Adopted Slide Show”  Righton Building MMU,
As part of a collaborative group practice based around slide archives at MMU I collaborated with and exhibited in an exhibition in the Righton Building that showcased work we had made from the slide library.


November 2015, “Next Slide Please” Link Gallery, MMU
Exhibition with above group where we exhibited a final incarnation of the group and individual work in response to the VRC ( Slide Library)


Link Gallery, MMU

Group exhibition of work IA 1st year, 2014


November 2014 “Slideshow”, The Salutation

As part of a class group project I exhibited in and co curated with a classmate an exhibition using the Visual Resource Centre as inspiration.


June 2014 “Honour Roll”, Hotspur House

A group exhibition showing the final major project work of my Foundation class from the Manchester College, 


April 2014 “Etchings”, The Mechanics Institute

A group exhibition of mechanical and machinery themed etchings inspired by the Museum of Science and Industry.


May 2013 “7 hours”, CFCCC ( Formerly the Chinese Arts Centre)

As part of artist Chou Yu-cheng's residency he curated a one day exhibition for Manchester artists where I exhibited a series of photographic pieces.


January 2012

“Manchester Artists Bonfire”, Islington Mill

A lottery funded collective event where artists burn a piece of their work and discuss it round the bonfire during a documented evening co ordinated by Roseanne Robertson. website


April 2009

Solo exhibition of paintings and photographs in the LGF offices on Princess Street Manchester



2007, Orlando Florida, “Global Peace on Earth art Exhibition”, Gallery at Avalon Island

Designed to run alongside a film festival in Orlando Florida I curated and exhibited in an exhibition of work by local and international artists, I also designed all the promotional materials for this inaugural exhibition.


August 2005
"Nude Nite" Orlando

annual exhibition celebrating art based on the human body


1998-2006, various venues, Orlando Florida with the Florida Queer Arts Collective and solo

As a member of the collective I curated and participated in countless exhibitions over these years. In our dedicated gallery space we held monthly themed shows for either the group or for solo artists, we hosted guest artists and ran contests and workshops, raised funds for the local LGBT community and collaborated with other local artistic collectives.
During my time in Orlando I exhibited in many events such as First Thursdays, a regular open art event in downtown Orlando with artists exhibiting throughout the city. 









© All images Copyright 2024 Ash van Dyck
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